Science Course Descriptions
High School
Chemistry (Mrs. Greenia)
This course provides students with a strong foundation in chemistry with the goal of preparing them for college-level studies. . The course covers topics such as measurements and units, significant figures, chemical classifications, the periodic table, atomic structure molecular geometry, the mole concept, stoichiometry, gas laws, acids and bases, reduction and oxidation, thermodynamics and equilibrium. This can be considered an honors level course. In order to understand this text, students should have already completed Algebra I.
Materials needed: Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Chemistry 3rd Edition Textbook and Student Notebook Additional resources needed include a 3-ring binder (1 ½”), college-ruled paper, 3x5 lined index cards, Basic scientific calculator - Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS (about $15)
Format: Class time typically falls into a two-week cycle for each module. The first week consists of taking the test from the prior module and discussion of key concepts and information for the new module. The second week typically focuses on completing the discussion of the concepts from the current module and performing lab experiments to aid students’ understanding. The aim is to facilitate an interactive and engaging environment as students not only learn information from the text, but also consider its practical applications to everyday life. Students are expected to read all pertinent material and complete assignments in preparation for class. While lab experiments are performed in class, resulting lab reports are completed at home and returned to the teacher for grading. Lab Fee: $55 paid at registration
Biology with Lab (Mrs. Greenia)
This course is a college-prep biology course and provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general biology. Students learn how biologists classify life, the chemical processes that make life possible, and the structures of RNA and DNA. Additionally, students learn the means by which photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and cellular reproduction occur. We will cover organisms found in nature: archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi, invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants. Students are taught the cycles that keep environments hospitable to life, and we cover ecosystems. Four dissection experiments are included: the earthworm, crayfish, fish, and frog. Microscopes are used to observe the microscopic world of plants, animals, and more.
Materials required:
1. Exploring Creation with Biology 3rd Edition
2. Exploring Creation with Biology 3rd Edition Student notebook
3. Paper/pens/pencils for taking notes in class
4. Colored pencils
5. Lab fee: $55 (paid to the instructor and due at
Format: Class time is spent covering material presented in each module, reviewing vocabulary, and performing labs. Students are expected to read the text weekly. In addition, students complete the On Your Own Questions, the Study Guide, and all lab reports for each module. This work will be handed into the teacher for grading. Parents need to be prepared to assist students at home as needed and to review homework for correct answers so that students are prepared to take the tests. Tests will be given in class.
Middle School
Physical Science with Lab (Mauter)
This course is designed to be the last science course a student takes before high school and may be taken in the 9th grade as well. The course is divided into two segments. Segment one covers topics including: motion, force, work and energy. Segment two topics include: matter, energy, atoms and the periodic table, and interactions of matter. During class meetings, students should expect to discuss unit concepts and work through interactive experiments and models. Work at home includes reading assignments and written lessons to support the classroom learning. Assessments are frequent in this class. Note: This class can be taken with added assignments by 9th grade students for high school credit.
Prerequisite class: pre-algebra
Required Resources:
Science Fusion Module H: Matter and Energy from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (Interactive work-text only)
Science Fusion Module I: Motion, Forces and Energy from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (Interactive work-text only)
A 1" 3 ring binder with notebook paper and dividers
School supply bag with colored pencils, school scissors and glue stick
Parent supervised and supported access to the internet and Teacher Ease
A one-time materials fee of $45 due at the beginning of the course
General Science (Mauter)
In this hands-on exploration course, students will study various topics including simple machines, life science, and body systems. This interactive class will be supported by the Apologia textbook, Exploring Creation with General Science, 2nd Ed. Weekly homework and reading assignments will be given and graded. Tests, quizzes, and projects will be part of the required work.
Required Resources:
The Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science, 2nd Edition text (only)
A 1" 3 ring binder with paper and dividers
School supply bag with colored pencils, school scissors and glue stick
Parent supervised and supported access to the internet and Teacher Ease
A one-time materials fee of $45 due at registration.
4-5 Science 2 (of a three year rotation) (Mauter)
This is class #2 of 3 curricular rotations.
This interactive general science class is designed for students in grades 4 – 5. Students will study various topics within each of these units: The Solar System, Weather and Climate and Animal Adaptations. All students are asked to complete weekly assignments that are related to the lesson's topic. Tests and quizzes will be given within each unit of study. There is no text for this class. Each student will keep a binder of materials for the class.
Required Resources:
Parent supervised and supported access to the internet and Teacher Ease
A 1" 3 ring binder with school supplies for the class which will come to class weekly
School supply bag with colored pencils, school scissors and glue stick
A one-time materials fee of $45 due at the beginning of the course
4th-5th Nature Studies
Join us in discovering and experiencing the beauty and wonder of the natural world! This class will feature a Charlotte Mason approach, with an emphasis on laying a foundation for further science topics as children grow and develop. Nature studies will include hands-on learning that is rich and full of God's creation, spending time outdoors whenever possible. Children will be taught to slow down and utilize their observation skills, to learn with all 5 senses, and to keep a nature notebook. This course will follow a 4 year rotation, with this year focusing especially on rocks and minerals, pond life, insects and spiders, and reptiles.
Supply Fee due at enrollment: $25